Via Torri Bianche, 7 - Vimercate (MB) - White Towers District 392 4309510


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“Il 23 novembre 1998 inaugurammo con la prima neve di quell’anno, che poi tornò la sera di Natale”. Da quella sera non abbiamo mai chiuso, siamo aperti tutte le sere tranne il Lunedi, tutto l’anno!

The location plays a fundamental role for the Totem Plaza Cafe, located in the main square of the white towers, from which it takes its name (Piazza Totem) and the avant-garde spirit that has always characterized the neighborhood.

The obelisk or rather Totem (called Cosmo-Now) positioned in the fountain of our square, conceived by the internationally renowned sculptor Sebastian Matta, is a sort of antenna prepared to transmit cultural signals that can be deciphered by the minds of all cultures and it is for this reason that Cosmo-Now has been forged in five specimens that live on five continents: Asia, America, Africa, Oceania and Europe. Like Mattà's work, the Totem Plaza Cafe also embodies the international spirit that represents an encounter between different people, by culture and generation, a cross-over that has been renewed for over twenty years.